BIOFUND will organize on the 24th of May from 17.00 to 19.30, the Forum on the need for harmonization of economic development and biodiversity conservation in Mozambique and draws attention to the possible consequences of non-observance of international best practices in the economic development of the country.
Published at 23/05/2018
Forum Harmonizing the Development and Conservation of Biodiversity in Mozambique

This theme will be addressed in the forum specially convened for this purpose, in parallel with the holding of the Sixth General Assembly of this Foundation, in the Montebelo Indy Maputo Congress Hotel (Indy Village), on 24 May. The event will be attended by government officials, bilateral agencies, private sector, academy and civil society.
This initiative, which has partners such as Counterpart International / USAID and RedLAC / CAFÉ, COMBO / WCS Project and the BIOFIN / UNDP Project, is part of a BIOFUND campaign, under its Biodiversity Offset program to disseminate concepts such as Mitigation Hierarchy, No Net Loss and Biodiversity Offset exploring opportunities for its dissemination and regulation.
At a time that several media are often reporting the damage caused to the environment and biodiversity by some development projects incorrectly conducted by its promoters, the subject is extreme relevant.
For more details about the event click here.