The Foundation for the Conservation of Biodiversity (BIOFUND), the National Administration of Conservation Areas (ANAC), the French Development Agency (AFD), Fauna and Flora International (FFI), the MICAIA Foundation, the Chimanimani National Park (PNC) and the National Sustainable Development Fund (FNDS), through the MozBio II Project, on 11 February 2021, held the first meeting of the Steering Committee of the Chimanimani Biodiversity Conservation and Community Development Project, abbreviated as the Chimanimani Project.
Published at 17/02/2021
Committee set up to accompany the Biodiversity Conservation and Community Development Project in Chimanimani

This project possesses total financing of 4.8 million Euros, of which 3 million come from the AFD, 1.2 million from the French World Environment Fund (FFEM) and 0.6 million from the FFI to be implemented over a period of 4 years.
This meeting approved the terms of reference of the Project Steering Committee, consisting of ANAC, BIOFUND, the Chimanimani National Park (PNC), the National Sustainable Development Fund (FNDS), the MICAIA Foundation, and Fauna and Flora International (FFI), and including the French Development Agency (AFD/FFEM) as an observer. ANAC chairs the committee, and BIOFUND provides its secretariat.
The partners discussed several aspects concerning the coordination, implementation and attainment of the results of the project. They approved the Plan of Activities and the Budget for 2021, for the four components of the project, namely:
- Component 1 referring to the knowledge, protection and valuing of natural and cultural heritage, to be implemented by ANAC and by the Chimanimani National Park;
- Component 2 referring to territorial organisation and local development, to be implemented by the MICAIA Foundation;
- Component 3 referring to the strengthening and development of value chains, also be implemented by the MICAIA Foundation; and
- Component 4, corresponding to mechanisms of financing the Chimanimani National Park and its buffer zone, to be implemented by BIOFUND.
The Chimanimani National Park and its buffer zone are located in Manica province. This is a region characterised by a diversity of endemic fauna and flora. This support for Chimanimani will strengthen other support channelled and/or financed by BIOFUND to this Conservation Area since 2017.