Organised by BIOFUND, this will be the third edition of the exhibition which was shown first in Maputo, in 2015, during the public launch of this foundation. In 2016 the exhibition was shown in the city of Xai-Xai, in Gaza province.
Published at 26/09/2017
Multimedia Exhibition on Biodiversity

The main purpose of the exhibition is to share knowledge about biodiversity and about the many risks that hang over it, as well as to publicise initiatives to conserve and value our rich natural heritage. Thus The Culture of Conservation and Sustainable Development will have a special focus on Zambézia province.
The joint organisers of this exhibition are the Pedagogic University (UP) and the Quelimane Teacher Training Institute (IFPQ). This initiative has also enjoyed the support of the University Foundation for the Development of Education (FUNDE/A Politécnica), of the Pedagogic University Foundation (FUP), of the Ministry of Education and Human Development (MINEDH), of the National Administration of the Conservation Areas (ANAC), and of the Zambézia provincial government.
Zambezia has been chosen for the current stage because of awareness of the challenges – and also the opportunities – that are posed in this province for the conservation of biodiversity, and the interest shown by some national and international partners who are financing important projects in this part of the country.
The event is sponsored by the World Bank, the MozBio project and the European Union. The various exhibition panels are the result of collaboration between BIOFUND and several research institutions.
The exhibition will be held on the premises of the Quelimane Teacher Training Institute and will resort to a variety of communication technologies to facilitate the interaction of the public with the material on display.
The main activities will be guided visits to the exhibition, lectures, seminars, the showing of films, and educational games with the aim of making the new generations aware of environmental questions and awakening their interest in nature.
The formal invitation and the detailed programme will be distributed shortly.