Published at 05/06/2020

World Environment Day: PLCM Interns Promote Activities to Preserve the Environment

World Environment Day is celebrated on the 5th of June of each year with the aim of raising awareness in the general population to implement practices that help to preserve the environment.

In this scope of celebration, young people with diverse academic backgrounds, currently doing internships with the Foundation for the Conservation of Biodiversity – BIOFUND, the National Administration of Conservation Areas – ANAC and with Centro Terra Viva – CTV, through the Leadership Program for the Conservation of Mozambique – PLCM, met to promote awareness activities for the protection and preservation of the Environment.

These young people show that it is possible to contribute to the preservation of the Environment through small gestures such as planting trees, reducing water consumption, among other actions.

World Environment Day was declared on June 5, 1972, during the Stockholm Conference, with the main objective of raising the awareness of countries and the population in general to observe sustainable ways of dealing with environmental issues and to establish guiding principles of environmental policy across the planet.