Published at 09/02/2023

Young People and Leadership in Biodiversity Conservation: Get to know the history of Baptista Bisteque

“The young leader Baptista Julião Bisquete, 27 years old, born in Morrumbala, Zambezia, has a degree in Communication Sciences with skills in Journalism. Baptista is one of the beneficiaries of the 3rd edition of pre-professional internships of the Leadership Program for the Conservation of Mozambique (PLCM), implemented by the Foundation for the Conservation of Biodiversity (BIOFUND) in coordination with the National Administration of Conservation Areas (ANAC).

Baptista was assigned to the Tourism Sector in the Maputo National Park (PNAM) where he had the bright idea of ​​internally promoting the establishment of a Communication and Image Division. At first, some colleagues did not understand the importance of this component, but Baptista persisted and proved its relevance through the production of documentaries (videos and photos) illustrating the activities carried out in the park.

Today, his work is a fundamental mechanism for disseminating the results of actions carried out in the park and promoting its potential. For Baptista, PLCM was a gateway to the beginning of his professional career in the field of conservation. “The PLCM helped me to take the first steps in my professional life. Today, I consider myself a young conservation leader, as I work with all sectors of the institution and I use communication as a tool to ensure better protection of biodiversity“.

Click here to watch the video produced by Baptista Bisquete (also available on the PNAM facebook), which shows the day-to-day life of other young PLCM interns, making a difference in the activities of biodiversity conservation at PNAM.

PLCM is a leadership and personal and professional development platform for young people seeking a career in biodiversity conservation. Do you want to become a biodiversity conservation leader? Get further information about PLCM here.