Mining and Water Pollution, was the theme of the forum held this Thursday, August 08th, at the Catholic University, delegation of Manica, in the context of the V edition of the Mozambican Biodiversity Exhibition, entitled The Culture of Conservation and Sustainable Development (see aqui the detailed program of this activity).
Published at 08/08/2019
Biodiversity Exhibition: Forum on Mining and Pollution

The event was attended by His Excellency Deputy Minister of Education and Human Development, Armindo Nuvunga, who highlighted the relevance of the event to the formation of young people. For its part, he called for the massive participation in the event, during the 10 days, of the approximately 2000 students who are part of the XIV edition of the school games taking place simultaneously in Chimoio.
The presentations were preceded by a film that addressed the issue of gold mining in Mozambique, which, like the forum’s different presentations, highlighted issues such as land and landscape degradation, river and stream pollution and siltation, child labour, among other harmful aspects.
Isidro Manuel (PhD), geologist and associate professor (UEM), member of the panel, highlighted the negative impacts of informal mining and the need to formalize artisanal mining activity in order to strengthen coordination, legalization, strengthening concept of designated areas and the use of good practice to minimize the impact of the damage that this activity may cause to the environment.
Other Mozambican experts contributed to the event, especially the panel which also included: Tomás Muacanhia, UniZambeze; DinisJuízo (PhD), Associate Professor – Hydrology and Water Resources Management (UEM) and Dr. Joaquim Langa, ITC-F representative.
However, on August 10th, a cycle of lectures (see the program) will begin, which will take place throughout the week, from August 10th to 17th.
At the same time, other environmental education initiatives are scheduled, highlighting the event scheduled to take place in Sussundenga (see the detailed program of the event)