

Inauguration of the Multimedia Exhibition on Biodiversity

Inauguration of the Multimedia Exhibition on Biodiversity

The multimedia exhibition on biodiversity was inaugurated yesterday (17th October) in the Quelimane Teachers’ Training College, by His Excellency the Governor of the Province, Mr. Abdul Razak Noormahomed. The exhibition displays more than 80 panels of important habitats and species of our country, 9 of them specifically illustrating the biodiversity of Zambezia. This is being supported by an information exhibition with more than 12 exhibitors on activities related to biodiversity and the environment.
Operação Caco Língamo – Save the date

Operação Caco Língamo – Save the date

The Environmental Education Cooperative Ntumbuluku and partners present Operação Caco - Língamo, happening on September 16 (Saturday), from 07h30 to 10h30 at Língamo Salines in Matola A. This cleanup will be allusive to the celebrations of the World Day of Cleanliness of the Beaches and Rivers, and is framed in the civic movement Let's Do it.
BIOFUND mission visits the Brazilian Biodiversity Fund

BIOFUND mission visits the Brazilian Biodiversity Fund

In July, a delegation consisting of the Director of Programmes, the Director of Administration and Finance and the Technical Advisor of BIOFUND made a working visit to FUNBIO – the Brazilian Fund for Biodiversity – under the existing partnership between the two institutions
Executive Director of BIOFUND on the delegation of the Ministry of Land, Environment and Rural Development mission to Brasília

Executive Director of BIOFUND on the delegation of the Ministry of Land, Environment and Rural Development mission to Brasília

The Executive Director of BIOFUND – Foundation for the Conservation of Biodiversity, Luís B. Honwana, visited Brazil from 11 to 18 June, by invitation of the World Bank, in the capacity of advisor to the delegation of MITADER, for contacts with various federal bodies in the conservation sector.
Celebrations of World Oceans Day: 8 June

Celebrations of World Oceans Day: 8 June

As part of the celebrations of World Oceans Day, which is celebrated on 8 June, two conferences will be held, in the Fisheries Museum, on the future of our oceans: on coral reefs (8 June), and on marine innovation in Mozambique (9 June).
5ª Assembleia Geral da BIOFUND e evento temático sobre Hotspot de Biodiversidade Maputaland-Pondoland-Albany

5ª Assembleia Geral da BIOFUND e evento temático sobre Hotspot de Biodiversidade Maputaland-Pondoland-Albany

In the next 2 years, the Foundation for the Conservation of Biodiversity (BIOFUND) will spend almost 4 million USD in financing the National System of Conservation Areas. This was one of the main decisions of the 5th General Assembly of BIOFUND, held in Maputo on 24 May 2017. In addition to members of the institution, there took part in this General Assembly observers and guests including representatives of the diplomatic corps and cooperation partners.
AVISO – Alteração da data da 5ª Assembleia Geral da BIOFUND e evento temático sobre Hotspot de Biodiversidade Maputaland-Pondoland-Albany

AVISO – Alteração da data da 5ª Assembleia Geral da BIOFUND e evento temático sobre Hotspot de Biodiversidade Maputaland-Pondoland-Albany

A BIOFUND informa a alteração da data da sua 5ª Assembleia Geral assim como do evento temático sobre o Hotspot de Biodiversidade Maputaland-Pondoland-Albany, para o dia 24 de Maio de 2017, das 15h30 às 19h30, no Hotel Cardoso em Maputo. O convite formal e o programa detalhado será distribuído em breve.
Operational funds for Conservation Areas

Operational funds for Conservation Areas

BIOFUND began in 2017 to channel funds to support operational costs of the MozBio project for 8 of Mozambique’s Conservation Areas (the Quirimbas National Park, the Gilé National Reserve, the Chimanimani National Reserve, the Bazaruto National Park, the Limpopo National Park, the Banhine National Park, the Maputo Special Reserve, and the Ponta do Ouro Partial Marine Reserve), with funds from the World Bank/IDA for 2017 and 2018.
Integration of interns

Integration of interns

BIOFUND began in 2017 a programme of professional interns with students from Mozambican universities on internships lasting for 6 months. BIOFUND is welcoming Jéssica Julaia (degree in Marine, Aquatic and Coastal Biology) and Zaina Muita (degree in Ecology and Conservation of Terrestrial Biodiversity), both graduates from the Eduardo Mondlane University, who were the winners of the 1st competition for BIOFUND internships. This group also includes Eng. Susana Ferreira Silva (Science and Technology Faculty of the New University of Lisbon) under the INOV Contacto programme
Website renewed

Website renewed

In 2017 BIOFUND renewed its website, introducing more information about its strategic objectives, its operational structure, partnerships and projects under way, among others. It also introduced complementary information about conservation projects under way in the country and links to documents of general interest about biodiversity, and the news page.