The Foundation for the Conservation of Biodiversity – BIOFUND in partnership with the Eduardo Mondlane University – UEM and Wildlife Conservation Society – WCS, held on November 12, 2020 from 9 – 11 am a Webinar for the presentation of the “Progress report on the study on metrics to assess the ecological condition of mangrove forests in Mozambique ”.
Published at 20/11/2020
Webinar: Study on metrics to assess the ecological condition of mangrove forests: a contribution for the implementation of biodiversity offsets in Mozambique
This study started in 2019 and is part of the efforts of the Biodiversity Offsets Program implemented by BIOFUND, WCS and the National Environment Directorate (DINAB) for the development of technical tools to assess the ecological condition of habitats and species and support the implementation of the mitigation hierarchy in Mozambique.
This Webinar is the second meeting held with the main stakeholders involved in mangrove management in Mozambique to discuss the development of metrics for assessing the ecological condition of mangrove forests. The event counted with 60 national and international participants including representatives from the government, the private sector, NGOs, academia, and multilateral and bilateral agencies.
The progress report was presented by the study leader, Dr. Célia Macamo, lecturer and researcher at the Eduardo Mondlane University, who during the presentation highlighted the importance of harmonizing the procedures to assess the ecological condition of mangrove forests in Mozambique in order to provide valuable tools to assess progress in conservation projects and support the effective implementation of the mitigation hierarchy in Mozambique.
To access the Webinar presentations click here
To access the Webinar recording click here
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