Updated at 07/03/2024
The Project for the Conservation of Biodiversity and Community Development in the Chimanimani conservation area
Abbreviated as the “Chimanimani Project” is financed by the French Development Agency (AFD) joint with French Facility for Global Environment (FFEM) and Fauna and Flora International (FFI), that in September 2019 set up an initiative to support the Mozambican Government in implementing a conservation project in the Chimanimani National Park (CNP) and its buffer zone, in recognition of the national, regional and global biodiversity value of this Conservation Area.
The main goal of the project is to promote more sustainable environmental management in the Chimanimani National Park and its buffer zone through the following actions:

Chimanimani National Park (CNP): support the conservation and promotion of the natural and cultural heritage.

Buffer zone of the CNP: promote the sustainable management of the natural resources to the benefit of the local communities, to achieve a balance between improving social and economic conditions of local communities, as well as promote natural resources and biodiversity conservation.
Project path

2021 – 2024
4 years

3,000 .000 €
Financed by AFD

1,200 .000 €
Financed by FFEM

600 ,000 €
Financed by FFI

4,800.000 €
Total financing

The financial management of the FFEM and AFD funds will be undertaken by BIOFUND.
Components of the Project
Project for the Conservation of Biodiversity and Community Development in the Chimanimani National Park and its Buffer Zone (CBDC) has four (4) main components:

Component 1:
Knowledge, protection and promotion of natural and cultural heritage
Objective: Improve the knowledge of and protect natural and cultural heritage of the PNC and its Buffer Zone.
Activities: Assessments of biodiversity, knowledge and promotion of cultural heritage of CNP, protection and monitoring of elephants, and development of an information management mechanism by ANAC.
Implementation: Chimanimani National Park in coordination with FFI and ANAC.

Component 2:
Spatial planning and local development
Objective: Strengthen the land rights of local communities, as a pre-requisite for an improved management of land and natural resources.
Activities: Demarcation of community lands and development of Sustainable Land Management Plans (PGSTs); revitalization of Community Conservation Areas.
Implementation: Micaia Foundation.

Component 3:
Strengthening and development of value chains
Objective: Increase honey quantity in commercial markets and income of local communities.
Activities: Strengthen the honey producing sector in the Chimanimani region;
Establish management plans for developing value chains of biodiversity products.
Implementation: Micaia Foundation.

Component 4:
Mechanism of Innovative Financing for the Conservation of Biodiversity
Objective: Support implementation of pilot schemes and initiatives to mobilise private sector financing for biodiversity conservation.
Activities: Assessment for the establishment of a Payment for Environmental Services (PSA) scheme based on water value; development of an ecological restoration pilot scheme to test the legal and institutional framework for biodiversity offsets implementation in Mozambique.
Implementation: BIOFUND.
Steering Committee
To accompany project activities, the Steering Committee (CD) was set up as an independent body, responsible for central coordination, follow-up, assessment and taking strategic project decisions, as well as ensuring quality control of project activities, results and impacts.
The Steering Committee meets once a year.
List of Steering Committee Members
- Jorge Fernando
Interim General Director of ANAC
- Madyo Couto
Member of the Steering Committee – MozBio
- Guillaume Tixier
Observer – AFD/FFEM
- Sean Nazerali
Member of the Steering Committee/Secretariat – BIOFUND
- Milagre Nuvunga
Member of the Management Committee – MICAIA
- Lionel da Silva Macicame
Member of the Steering Committee – PNC
- Cláudia Suca
Member of the Steering Committee – FFI
- –
Member of the Management Committee – MTA
Other relevant information
In addition to this project, CNP also benefits from other projects, with funds channeled through BIOFUND, such as the Mozbio2 Project (financed by the IDA/World Bank until 2024), that aims to ensure the conservation of biodiversity and promote income generation programs for families living in the surroundings of the Park.
The PNC also benefits from an emergency fund with BIOFUND’s own funds to support the reconstruction of access roads with local resources, which were damaged by Cyclone Idai (2019-2023).
To know more about CNP see this link: link

Implementing agencies